Allow AWS to authenticate with a Dockerhub private repository

Create .dockercfg file

Allow AWS to authenticate with a Dockerhub private repository

by John Vincent

Posted on June 5, 2021

AWS needs a .dockercfg file to allow AWS to authenticate with a Dockerhub private repository.

This is part of a series of discussions regarding Deploying TaskMuncher, a React and Node application, to a Multi-Container Docker Environment at AWS using Dockerhub and Travis CI

For more details, please see Overview of Create Multi-Container Docker TaskMuncher Application at AWS

Please review AWS Production Architecture.

Create .dockercfg file

As I am using a Mac this file is problematic to create.

My chosen solution is to create a Linux docker container and create the dockercfg file from Linux.


For Makefile details, please see Configuring Makefiles to build and run Docker Images using Docker, Docker Compose and Dockerfile

cd <repo-root-dir>
mkdir -p config/dockercfg

Let's use the simple pattern I use throughout this application.

Create Makefile

	docker build -f ./config/dockercfg/Dockerfile \
		-t taskmuncher-dockercfg-dev-image:latest \

	docker run --rm --name taskmuncher-dockercfg-dev \
		-it taskmuncher-dockercfg-dev-image \

	docker run \
		--rm \
		--name taskmuncher-dockercfg-dev \
		-it \


  • dockercfg-dev-build builds the image
  • dockercfg-dev-sh allows me to run a sh in the image
  • dockercfg-dev-run runs the image


Create file ./config/dockercfg/Dockerfile

# Set the base image to Ubuntu 20.04
FROM ubuntu:20.04

# Update the repository sources list
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y curl apt-transport-https ca-certificates gnupg-agent software-properties-common

RUN curl -fsSL | apt-key add -

RUN add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable"

RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y docker-ce docker-ce-cli

# use /app for our application
WORKDIR "/app"

# copy start file
COPY config/dockercfg/start-command ./start-command

# copy example cfg file
COPY config/dockercfg/examplecfg.txt ./examplecfg.txt

# copy docker password file
COPY config/dockercfg/my_password.txt ./my_password.txt

CMD ["./start-command"]


Create file ./config/dockercfg/start-command


echo "Starting dockercfg:start-command"

cat /etc/os-release
docker -v

cd /app

cat ./my_password.txt | docker login --username $USERNAME --password-stdin

ls -la

echo "\nStart of generated dockercfg file\n"
cat /root/.docker/config.json
echo "\nEnd of generated dockercfg file\n"

echo "\nStart of example dockercfg file\n"
cat ./examplecfg.txt
echo "\nEnd of example dockercfg file\n"

echo "*** Build your own .dockercfg file from the above ***\n"

echo "Completed dockercfg:start-command"

Docker Password file

Create file ./config/dockercfg/my_password.txt


Example .dockercfg file

Create file ./config/dockercfg/examplecfg.txt

  "": {
    "auth": "__auth__"

Create .dockercfg file

Create file ./config/.dockercfg

  "": {
    "auth": "__auth__"
  • make dockercfg-dev-build to build the image
  • make dockercfg-dev-run to create an authorization file in the container.

Notice the generated dockercfg file.

* Copy the `"auth"` value to `"__auth__"`

./config/.dockercfg is now ready to be used by AWS.